Well Being

What is MTHFR?

MTHFR is an enzyme that controls the formation of folate or vitamin B9 compounds within the body. Folate is important for a process called methylation, where by the body donates chemical groups to make other important compounds vital to the body’s health.

Winter Blues

I grew up in the northern hemisphere and can remember craving sunlight when it appeared! I was always much happier on a sunny day.

If my children eat a healthy diet, why do they need to take supplements?

This is a common question we hear from parents. Firstly, congratulations if your children are eating a healthy diet! You are helping lay the foundations for their future well-being and teaching the importance of being healthy and strong.

Dairy: A Hidden Factor in Your Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how much dairy you should have each day? Or whether it’s working for you? Dairy is prevalent in the average Australian diet, recommended by our health authorities as the best food to keep our bones and teeth strong via its calcium content. It is a unique animal food as it is intended to promote rapid development of a baby calf cow. The question is, if it is intended to stimulate rapid growth and developments of a calf, what effect does it have on humans trying to lose weight?

Keeping Our Little Ones Healthy Over Winter Using Some Old Fashioned Common Sense

How do we keep our kids from spending the winter with runny noses and miserable looks on their faces? I would say that the first steps are the simple ones. In the hype of health information, we sometimes forget some of the gems contained in ‘old fashioned common sense’.

Toxic Homes

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information available on “toxins”? Being a naturopath, I may be aware of more environmental pollutants we are exposed to, but it can become overwhelming, and often it becomes confusing.

World Sleep Day: 13/03/2015

    How much sleep do we need? Too little sleep over several nights leaves you tired, unable to concentrate, depressed and anxious. Long term affects increase your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity, these are the same risk factors for too much sleep.

Food Additives: Leaving out the nasties

Over the past 50 years the use of food additives has sky-rocketed. Not all are harmful and many have been well tested, however there remain a number of additives with questionable potential health consequences, some even have well established health risks.

What Hidden Factors Could Be Harming Your Metabolism?

Fat composition in the Australian diet has changed considerably over the last 80 to 90 years. Back in the 1920s Australians were eating predominantly saturated fats from butter and animal fats. Keep in mind that the rates of our modern diseases were low. Since then, there has been a gradual rise in the consumption of legume, grain, nuts, and seed oils from mass farming industries. These oils are high in omega 6 polyunsaturated fats and are the major reason behind how these fats damage metabolism and are partially why Australia has seen a surge in metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity.

Greens are great!

We’ve all been told to eat our greens because they are good for us but why? Green vegetables or “greens” are actually a power house of nutrition with different greens having different vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which all serve to keep you vibrant and healthy.