Well Being

What is Gluten?

Do you follow a gluten free diet? If you ask the majority of the population what gluten is, they usually don’t have an accurate answer. If you asked someone with coeliac disease, you would get the correct answer because their life and health depends on knowing every little crumb of knowledge regarding what food or even cosmetics contain it!


Reoccurring infections? Unexplained digestive upset? Just don’t feel right? Candida is the cause of many health issues. Manifestations such as digestive issues or infections in toenails, urinary tract, or the mouth may seem to be totally unrelated but can all have the same cause; a yeast by the name of Candida Albicans, commonly known as Candida.

The Lowdown on Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity

Non coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is neither an autoimmune or allergic reaction, but causes similar symptoms to those seen in coeliac disease when gluten is consumed. Symptoms are wide and varied and include diarrhoea, fatigue, “foggy mind”, joint pains and unexplained rashes.