A case study on the treatment of migraines using Acupuncture and cupping therapy
The Case
A 30 year old male presented to the clinic with chronic severe migraines, the migraine episodes were...
You have probably heard the term “pre-conceptive care”, but what does it really mean? In today’s blog, I’m going to discuss the role of pre-conception care and answer some of...
Are you planning or thinking of conceiving in the near future
The preconception period presents a unique window in time for diagnosis, treatment and prevention (Simon et al 2019, Fertility and...
There has been an explosion of vitamin D research in the last 10 years and more than ever we are learning how important it is for many aspects of health....
Are you planning to conceive or currently pregnant?
To support the growth of a healthy baby, a good-quality multi-vitamin is vital to ensure you consuming adequate micronutrients which all play a...
Probiotics are not one size fits all approach – you need to use the most appropriate strain and in the right quantity to have the health effects.
Recent research has...
Anti-bacterial hand wash/sanitiser and low alcohol content hand sanitiser is not effective!
It is possible to break up the virus particles with soap, soap is particularly good at dissolving the lipid...