
The Lowdown on Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity

Non coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is neither an autoimmune or allergic reaction, but causes similar symptoms to those seen in coeliac disease when gluten is consumed. Symptoms are wide and varied and include diarrhoea, fatigue, “foggy mind”, joint pains and unexplained rashes.

Wheat and the Leaky Gut – Funny Name, Serious Stuff

The grain known as wheat has had quite a ride in the past 50 years or so. The wheat we eat today is completely unrecognisable to the wheat our grandparents ate, thanks to the efforts of agriculture scientists working to significantly improve the yields of this staple crop. But what have these changes done to our health? Is it just a coincidence that the rise in auto-immune diseases, allergies and type II diabetes correlate to the changes in wheat? The science doesn’t think so.

The yellow spice, curcumin, and its far reaching benefits.

Turmeric, (curcuma longa) is a spice used in many culture's diets throughout Asia. Used as a medicine for centuries, it has many traditional uses ranging from alleviating various liver complaints to gastrointestinal infections. In recent times scientists have isolated a group of compounds called curcuminoids, and these compounds have had some very exciting applications to improving health.
Energy. We rely on it to get through every day of our lives, yet how many of us stop and think about where it comes from, and more importantly, what stops us getting our maximum from the energy our body makes? It’s a complex subject, but I am going talk about one major influence on how well you feel and how much energy you have to enjoy your life – cellular toxicity.

Do you suffer with annoying bloating? Leaky Gut could be the cause.

Leaky Gut is a term coined by natural therapists decades ago but it actually refers to the condition of elevated gut permeability. Within our digestive tract are cells that line the small intestine, the area of our gut where we absorb nutrients from our food. These cells are joined together to form a barrier with “gates” in between each cell.

Sometimes even healthy food may not be healthy for you.

    Are the foods you’re eating making you unwell? Even the healthy ones? You may have a food allergy or intolerance. Dealing with digestive complaints encompasses a multifactorial approach. But sometimes the cause is not always obvious and further investigation is needed to uncover where the deviation from health is occurring.


Every person is a unique representation of the human species. Nowhere is this more evident than when we look at DNA.  A defect in this storybook of life can alter a lot of processes in our body; one good example of this is Pyroluria.
Australian research on fertility, carried out by Dr. Anne Clark, (2006) the Chair of the “Preservation of Fertility”,  gives us an insight into issues surrounding fertility today. The research covered 2,400 Australians age 18+ across all states, the results were as follows:

The Mysterious World of Energy Explained

People come to our clinic with various common complaints, including unexplained tiredness, digestive complaints and bloating, muscular and joint pain, low mood and frequent headaches. All of these symptoms can be directly linked to problems with how we make energy inside the cell, known as mitochondrial dysfunction.

OMEGA-3 oils are good for you. But which one do you take?

Deborah Taylor, director of NatMed Natural Medicine, contributor to The West Australian newspaper fish oil article, naturopath and member of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids gives us the facts. Since their discovery in the 1970s, omega-3 fatty acids have been firmly under the scientific spotlight: the subject of discussion, speculation, and multiple studies of their potential health benefits.