Could Stress and Anxiety Be In Your Blood?


Could Stress and Anxiety Be In Your Blood?


Every person is a unique representation of the human species. Nowhere is this more evident than when we look at DNA.  A defect in this storybook of life can alter a lot of processes in our body; one good example of this is Pyroluria. Pyroluria refers to a genetically determined condition where by a person will breakdown haemoglobin defectively and produce kryptopyrolles in excess. What does this mean health-wise? Well, it could have repercussion on your mental health…
When the oxygen carrying protein haemoglobin needs to be broken down, the average person can do this quite effectively. A small proportion of the population however, will produce excessive amounts of kryptopyrolles. These are molecules which have no known beneficial function but disrupt some key minerals and vitamin processes. Kryptopyrolles bind to the minerals zinc and vitamin B6, increasing their excretion in the urine, and preventing the use of these essential nutrients in the brain and body. Zinc and vitamin B6 are involved in key processes within the body that produce chemicals that regulate mood, memory and stress responses. There are also theories that suggest kryptopyrolles can overexcite nerves leading to damage, and that they may induce free radical damage.
So what symptoms do people with kryptopyrolle excesses present with?

  • Poor Stress Control
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Mood Swings
  • Tension
  • Episodic Anger
  • Poor Short Term Memory
  • Depression

The symptoms in bold are the classic signs that a pyroluric person presents with.
So how is pyroluria treated? Well, simply taking a multivitamin with B6 and Zinc does not suffice for most people with this condition. As each person has a unique metabolism and differing degrees of pyroluria, a tailored treatment protocol is much more affective at managing pyroluria symptoms.  To get further advice on this condition and how to improve your mental health contact us at Natmed.
TodayTonight recently aired a report on pyroluria. You can view it here.
