Author: natmed19

Why can’t I sleep?

Problems with sleep such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep is known as insomnia. There are multiple causes of insomnia. These include stress, hormone imbalance, mood imbalance, transitioning into menopause, poor nutrition, overuse of stimulants, poor sleep hygiene, shift work, and breathing difficulties.

Reduce your sugar intake!!! But why??

We often hear “sugar is bad” but what are the reasons? There are actually more than a hundred ways it affects us. The following are 20 ways sugar affects our mind and bodies.

Seasonal Eating in Western Australia

Traditional cultures still eat by season. You buy an apple in a market and you know it has come from a nearby farm and was picked the same week as you purchased it. Changes over the years in farming techniques and food storage means that the apple you are eating may have been in cold storage for weeks or come from a foreign country.


Reoccurring infections? Unexplained digestive upset? Just don’t feel right? Candida is the cause of many health issues. Manifestations such as digestive issues or infections in toenails, urinary tract, or the mouth may seem to be totally unrelated but can all have the same cause; a yeast by the name of Candida Albicans, commonly known as Candida.

Feeling tired? You may have chronic fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is classified as fatigue that has been reoccurring for 6 months or greater that is not associated with a known disease process. It occurs with symptoms such as brain fog, impaired memory, joint pain, digestive problems, altered immune function, headaches, and swollen lymph nodes.

Sometimes even healthy food may not be healthy for you.

    Are the foods you’re eating making you unwell? Even the healthy ones? You may have a food allergy or intolerance. Dealing with digestive complaints encompasses a multifactorial approach. But sometimes the cause is not always obvious and further investigation is needed to uncover where the deviation from health is occurring.