Men’s Health

The Mysterious World of Energy Explained

People come to our clinic with various common complaints, including unexplained tiredness, digestive complaints and bloating, muscular and joint pain, low mood and frequent headaches. All of these symptoms can be directly linked to problems with how we make energy inside the cell, known as mitochondrial dysfunction.

OMEGA-3 oils are good for you. But which one do you take?

Deborah Taylor, director of NatMed Natural Medicine, contributor to The West Australian newspaper fish oil article, naturopath and member of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids gives us the facts. Since their discovery in the 1970s, omega-3 fatty acids have been firmly under the scientific spotlight: the subject of discussion, speculation, and multiple studies of their potential health benefits.

Natural Baby Selection

  Dr. Shettles of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, a specialist in the field of reproductive physiology, asserts there are two types of sperm:
  • Boy Sperm: “Y” sperm is smaller and round headed which, if successful, fertilise the ovum to produce XY chromosomes which results in a baby boy.
  • Girl Sperm: “x” sperm, with a larger oval head, which if successful fertilises the ovum to produce xx chromosomes which result in a baby girl

How to Prevent a Heart Attack Without Statins

“Over 40 million people worldwide take drugs to lower their cholesterol. But now there's evidence that the majority of them won't benefit. ” This comment, aired on ABC's program, Catalyst, has caused a huge fallout in patients stopping lipid lowering statin medications, with a recent survey showing three out of four doctors have seen patients who've stopped or are considering stopping their cholesterol medication.