Author: NATMED

Why should you buy organic foods? According to scientists, pesticides regularly detected on Australian food have been linked to possible problems with hormone function, learning and behavioural problems, lower IQ, and...

PMS Personality Guide

Oh my, it’s that time of the month again, one minute you’re snapping at your partner, the next you're crying over a video on Facebook, and you could murder a chocolate bar. Yes your mood and your hormones are inextricably linked. Nowadays science knows a fair bit about the intricate hormonal dance that goes on in your body and there is plenty you can do to minimise the unpleasant feelings that come with your period. Understanding exactly what’s going on is vital to easing your PMS symptoms. With some loving kindness, some gentle lifestyle changes and a few key herbs, you can reduce your miserable PMS moods. I’ve listed some of the most common PMS symptoms below accompanied by a biochemical explanation with tips on how to mend. Dig in!
Following on from the excellent blog last week from my colleague and friend Adrian, I would love to share with you my thoughts on the ‘protein debate’, and share some tips on how to prepare animal protein to mitigate some of the potential risks of cooking with these wonderful foods.

New Food Pyramid Review

Australians, did you know we have a new guide to healthy eating from the government? As you can see, the new guidelines are a pie chart, that kind of looks like a plate. The Department of Health and Aging suggest we eat these relative proportions of food groups daily. The department is well intending though some of this research is a little out dated.


Any time I scan the paid-presentation channels I always see the latest ‘fad’ exercise machines being sold, with bikini clad models or Hollywood tough guys like Chuck Norris sweating away as they use them. I often wonder how many good old 1990s ab crunchers are gathering dust in people's sheds, products of older ‘fads’ never to be heard of again. Yoga however, with its 5000 year history, is one exercise routine that will never lose popularity, and the reasons for this are now being more fully understood by research.


The rainy winter days are settling in…there’s nothing more comforting then reading a book, snuggled up in bed with a cup of peppermint tea! Do you have a book you can read over and over again? One of my all-time favourites is Louise L. Hay’s, “You Can Heal Your Life.

What is Gluten?

Do you follow a gluten free diet? If you ask the majority of the population what gluten is, they usually don’t have an accurate answer. If you asked someone with coeliac disease, you would get the correct answer because their life and health depends on knowing every little crumb of knowledge regarding what food or even cosmetics contain it!

Wheat and the Leaky Gut – Funny Name, Serious Stuff

The grain known as wheat has had quite a ride in the past 50 years or so. The wheat we eat today is completely unrecognisable to the wheat our grandparents ate, thanks to the efforts of agriculture scientists working to significantly improve the yields of this staple crop. But what have these changes done to our health? Is it just a coincidence that the rise in auto-immune diseases, allergies and type II diabetes correlate to the changes in wheat? The science doesn’t think so.

Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally

Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness characterised by a combination of chronic, widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness, accompanied by varying degrees of other symptoms, including fatigue, sleep disturbance, musculoskeletal pain and stiffness, cognitive dysfunction and high levels of distress.
Energy. We rely on it to get through every day of our lives, yet how many of us stop and think about where it comes from, and more importantly, what stops us getting our maximum from the energy our body makes? It’s a complex subject, but I am going talk about one major influence on how well you feel and how much energy you have to enjoy your life – cellular toxicity.