Author: Demi Roe

When we have a stressful event in our lives that elicits a stress response, the downstream consequences on the gut are felt. We actually feel them in a very real...

Acne can present differently from person to person, if you have hormonal acne you may notice your breakouts are occurring before or during your menstrual cycle or after starting/stopping birth...

The gut and brain are in constant communication with each other. It’s a bidirectional signalling highway composed of neurons, hormones, and immune cells, and is commonly known as the microbiome-gut-brain...

Like oxygen, water is essential for life. Water helps regulate your body temperature, moistens tissues in the eyes, nose, and mouth, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, lubricates joints, helps...

The Gut Microbiota & COVID-19 Regular readers will by now appreciate the importance of gut microbiota and the role it plays in shaping the health and function of our bodies. There is...

Did you know, that one-month post-COVID-19 outbreak and 2/3 of Australians reported being anxious and stressed while 50% reported being depressed. These are incredible stats, and these stats are being reflected...