Naturopath Tag

Not all supplements are created equal.   Often patients are taking supplements that do not offer therapeutic results, and are self-prescribing – with supermarket brands  Quality supplements are more expensive because they are...

Is it time for a new approach to your health? The health department acknowledged that we were suffering with iodine deficiency so fortified our salt with it. Back in the...

Who does what? How to find a qualified practitioner for nutrition advice.

It can be difficult to locate the perfect practitioner to meet your needs when seeking nutritional advice and counseling. What style of nutrition advice will he/she give me? What research and education will the practitioner be drawing their advice from? These are questions that should be answered before you decide to commit to your first consultation.
Recent research by Pieh et al.(2014) has shown that a multi-modal approach to health management delivers the most effective results, compared to a single modality on its own. So what does this mean for you? It means that multi-modality clinics like NatMed are in a unique position to offer you and your family the best quality healthcare, all under one roof.