Child Health

Keeping Our Little Ones Healthy Over Winter Using Some Old Fashioned Common Sense

How do we keep our kids from spending the winter with runny noses and miserable looks on their faces? I would say that the first steps are the simple ones. In the hype of health information, we sometimes forget some of the gems contained in ‘old fashioned common sense’.

New Food Pyramid Review

Australians, did you know we have a new guide to healthy eating from the government? As you can see, the new guidelines are a pie chart, that kind of looks like a plate. The Department of Health and Aging suggest we eat these relative proportions of food groups daily. The department is well intending though some of this research is a little out dated.

Sometimes even healthy food may not be healthy for you.

    Are the foods you’re eating making you unwell? Even the healthy ones? You may have a food allergy or intolerance. Dealing with digestive complaints encompasses a multifactorial approach. But sometimes the cause is not always obvious and further investigation is needed to uncover where the deviation from health is occurring.

The Mysterious World of Energy Explained

People come to our clinic with various common complaints, including unexplained tiredness, digestive complaints and bloating, muscular and joint pain, low mood and frequent headaches. All of these symptoms can be directly linked to problems with how we make energy inside the cell, known as mitochondrial dysfunction.

OMEGA-3 oils are good for you. But which one do you take?

Deborah Taylor, director of NatMed Natural Medicine, contributor to The West Australian newspaper fish oil article, naturopath and member of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids gives us the facts. Since their discovery in the 1970s, omega-3 fatty acids have been firmly under the scientific spotlight: the subject of discussion, speculation, and multiple studies of their potential health benefits.