pregnancy Tag

Caffeine when pregnant - should I limit caffeine if I am planning to conceive, or am pregnant ? This question is one of the most frequently asked of my fertility clients,...

What are the implications of BPA and pregnancy?

Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, is a chemical used to make hard plastic containers and the lining of metal food and beverage cans. According to the “Center for Disease Control and Prevention” - more than 90% of Americans have traces of it in their urine. We have all seen plastic containers with those bright stickers claiming “BPA FREE” so what does this mean? Most people are aware that the plastics containing BPA (Bisphenol A) are detrimental to health, but how do they affect us particularly in pregnancy?

Did you know that Thyroids play an important part in conceiving?

  If you have been trying to conceive for 6 months or longer it is well worth getting your thyroid health checked. For such a small gland situated at the front of the throat the thyroid has a big job to perform. It is essential for regulating metabolism, blood calcium levels, energy production, fat metabolism, oxygen utilization, balance of other hormones and weight maintenance. I find that with my clients sub optimal thyroid health is often overlooked by your G.P and thyroid blood tests are not preformed as part of a standard pre conception blood panel.
Australian research on fertility, carried out by Dr. Anne Clark, (2006) the Chair of the “Preservation of Fertility”,  gives us an insight into issues surrounding fertility today. The research covered 2,400 Australians age 18+ across all states, the results were as follows: