11 Jun Is Australia More Allergic to Food Than Other Countries?
Vitamin D and Food Allergies
The Murdoch Research Institute in Melbourne has been looking into why Australia has the highest reported prevalence of food allergy in the world. Results from the studies being carried out point to diet, vitamin D, hygiene and skin care as important factors.
The crucial role of vitamin D deficiency in the development of food allergy was identified by the research. A direct link between vitamin D deficiency and egg and peanut allergy as well as multiple food allergies was found. A study underway will assess the benefits of vitamin D supplementation in the first year of life.
I find that many of my clients are vitamin D deficient and this is contributing to a range of health problems. Children may present with food allergies or food intolerances, they may also present to me with frequent viral and bacterial infections. A number of children can be helped by short term supplementation of vitamin D. While living in Germany, I discovered that Vitamin D is routinely prescribed to all infants in Germany for their first year of life.
If your child has a food allergy or an intolerance it is important to know that the immune system needs balancing. I help my clients develop a healthy eating plan that supports immune function. Important steps in this process are optimising digestion and supporting intestinal microflora balance.
I love seeing families empowered by their ability to gain control over their health issues and maximise the potential of their bodies.
Yours in good health,
Eloise Charleson B.H.Sc(Nat), MNHAA