digestive complaints Tag

These days in the clinic I am seeing more and more patients including children, that are experiencing upper digestive complaints like indigestion and heartburn, who have been prescribed medications by...

Do you suffer from food sensitivities and intolerance's? Are you feeling frustrated with what to eat that won’t exacerbate your symptoms or have you running to the toilet?  Or are you...

Children's nutrition - what role does a healthy microbiome play? You know as much as I do that children should try a wide variety of foods and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. You know that they should consume carbohydrates such as grains, some protein such as eggs, fish or meat and include good oils found in nuts, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil and fish. But I am guessing that if you're taking the time to read this then it could be that you are already providing your child with a healthy diet but you still have some concerns and questions about their health.


Reoccurring infections? Unexplained digestive upset? Just don’t feel right? Candida is the cause of many health issues. Manifestations such as digestive issues or infections in toenails, urinary tract, or the mouth may seem to be totally unrelated but can all have the same cause; a yeast by the name of Candida Albicans, commonly known as Candida.

Sometimes even healthy food may not be healthy for you.

    Are the foods you’re eating making you unwell? Even the healthy ones? You may have a food allergy or intolerance. Dealing with digestive complaints encompasses a multifactorial approach. But sometimes the cause is not always obvious and further investigation is needed to uncover where the deviation from health is occurring.