03 Aug Acupuncture for insomnia
Insomnia can be described as difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep, premature waking, and non restorative sleep. Disturbed sleep may cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. It may also lead to further complications such as emotional upset, poor concentration, study, work, impacted driving skills, poorer diet choices, use of medications, increases risk and severity of long-term diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
What can cause insomnia?
There are various reasons someone may experience insomnia. Some of the more common reasons are emotional stress, prolonged illness and an improper diet. Insomnia can also be quite common throughout Pregnancy.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture works with the body’s energetic anatomy, and sensitive internal interactions. The vital energies of Qi, Yin and Yang assist the body to heal itself. The balance of these energies are integral to wellbeing. There are hundreds of significant points over the body, known as the Acupuncture points, where fine needles are placed to influence these points. During an Acupuncture session, you can expect a comprehensive consultation including tongue and pulse diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been reached, the treatment will begin while you’re relaxing on the treatment table. You will then receive an individualised treatment plan that will typically involve an appointment 1-2 times per week initially, then a maintenance program will be implemented, along with lifestyle advice.
Acupuncture and Insomnia:
The reasons that someone may develop insomnia, whether it be chronic or acute, will differ from person to person and so will their treatment plan. Insomnia can be a symptom of many Traditional Chinese Medicine patterns of disharmony (diagnoses). Some patterns of disharmony we see commonly involve Liver Qi Stagnation and Blood Deficiency. The treatment will work on the symptoms and the root inner imbalance, we will work on these plus managing stress and anxiety, putting the body/mind back into balance, and work on other internal disharmonies.
Night-time is “Yin” time, as opposed to day time which is “Yang” time. Night is the time of darkness and rest, when the yang withdraws and is nourished by the yin. Sleep has a Close relationship with emotional wellness, the quality of sleep is one of the most common factors in emotional illness. Emotional illness conversely is a common factor in sleep disturbances. Your Acupuncturist will base the treatment on the individual symptoms and person. Whether it be Dream-disturbed sleep, nightmares, frequent waking, night sweats, difficulty getting to sleep or difficulty rising.
Tips to prevent insomnia:
- Consistent sleep-wake hours
- Avoid naps
- Using up energy throughout the day, with activity, but not within 2 hours before bed time
- Limit caffeine during the day,
- avoid large meals later at night, and eating within 2 hours of bed time
- Chinese tradition soak you feet in comfortably hot water just before bed
- Use the bed only for sleep/sex
- Use dim nightlights in the bathroom
- Decrease fluids after 5pm to decrease night time urination
- Avoid screen time before bed
- Keep a sleep journal
- Creating a comfortable, safe and relaxing environment to sleep in, make your bed
- No paperwork, tv, clutter, avoid doing work in your bedroom,
- Avoid having anything hanging over your bed, eg plants, no junk under the bed,
- Be mindful of colours, calming colours such as pale pink, pale peach, pale lavender, pale green, pale blue,
- Natural fibres for bedding such as cotton or linen, use a solid headboard, avoid metal beds if possible
- Select a subtle alarm for the morning
- Don’t sleep under a window
Other Treatments:
- Naturopathy
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Talking therapies
Looking for an Acupuncturist in Perth? Call 9339 1999 or click the Book Now button to book your first treatment.
Flaws, B 1997, Curing Insomnia naturally with Chinese Medicine, 1st edition, Blue Poppy Enterprises Inc.,
Rossi, E 2007, Shen: Psycho-emotional aspects of Chinese Medicine,1st edition, Churchill Livingstone, Philadelphia
So, P 2012, A complete guide to Feng Shui