28 May Winter Is Coming!
Keeping Our Little Ones Healthy Over Winter Using Some Old Fashioned Common Sense
How do we keep our kids from spending the winter with runny noses and miserable looks on their faces? I would say that the first steps are the simple ones. In the hype of health information, we sometimes forget some of the gems contained in ‘old fashioned common sense’.
- Rug up. The years we spent in Europe, taught me first-hand how important it is to keep our little ones warm in winter. This is even important in Perth. Don’t forget that beanie for the early morning and evening. A jacket and even a scarf can really keep the body warm even if they insist on wearing shorts. I know my kids always do.
- Eat warm food. The simple change of putting warm milk on the breakfast porridge instead of cold helps their bodies feel relaxed and safe. A warm herbal tea for breakfast and after school or after dinner will do the same. You can even send a thermos to school or kindy for a warm drink during the day.
- Fresh air and exercise. If your little one likes to snuggle up inside during the colder and wetter months make sure they are still getting enough exercise to stimulate their immune system.
- All important is obviously checking they are still getting plenty of vegetables and fruit. Stewed fruit is great as is hiding vegies in bolognaise sauce and stews.
If you know your children are vulnerable to catching infections, then bring them in for a consultation before the sickness season starts. That way we can strengthen their immune system with specific food suggestions as well as herbs chosen for their individual needs.