COVID-19 is still active and present in our communities. Like the common cold and influenza, COVID-19 has become endemic in Australia, and appears in seasonal outbreaks. Symptoms include a runny nose, cough, and fever. It can infect any person at any age, and in most cases is a mild illness that can be treated at home. However, for the elderly and other vulnerable groups (such as the immunocompromised), COVID-19 may cause more serious illness that requires hospital admission.
At NatMed, we encourage our patients to protect themselves from COVID-19 in much the same way that they protect themselves during any cold and flu season. Depending on your current state of health, this may include immunity support, nutritional support, and herbal or nutritional supplementation.
We ensure the health and safety of our patients in the clinic by implementing the highest hygiene standards. All equipment is cleaned before and after every use, and practitioners practise impeccable hand hygiene. To keep our practitioners and patients safe, we ask our patients showing respiratory symptoms to call before entering the clinic so that we can best avoid the spread of infectious diseases.