The technology used in NES Health is able to perform this using several ways that will utilise the specially imprinted remedies known as Infoceuticals and a handheld device called miHealth. Infoceuticals are non-toxic salt-based solutions imprinted with informational patterns designed to correct distortions in the energy field of the client.
The miHealth is a device that is programmed with specific information patterns. These patterns are delivered to the body through the surface electrodes or a low level pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF). The electrodes are then placed on the body and can be used to read field information and provide corrected information back into the body.
The skin is an excellent indicator of the body’s current status. If a blockage is existing in the energy stream or some other issues then the skin in a related section becomes sticky or appears to become almost magnetic which is identified and treated by the miHealth device.
In NES Health, this is called human body-field (HBF). Its primary objective is to restore health and function to the HBF and support the intrinsic natural ability of the body to recuperate itself at a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, chemical, and informational level.