The only clinic in Australia to offer complimentary access to in-house testing equipment as part of your consultation

Live and instant data on your health means better outcomes

Empowering you to create health.

Book your FREE 10-minute discovery call today.

It’s important to find the right fit to partner with you in your health journey. Text or call us to organise a free chat to see if we’re the right fit.

Empowering you to create health.

Book your FREE 15 minute scoping session to ensure we’re right for you!

It’s important to find the right fit to partner with you in your health journey. Text or call us to organise a Free chat to see if we’re the right fit.

10-minute Discovery Call FREE

Perfect for you if you want to find out more if we’re the right fit for you.

Initial Consultation from $199

Follow-up Consultation from $129

Who Are We?

Established for over twenty years, we are an integrated medicine clinic fiercely dedicated to research, testing & training so that we can empower you to create the health you deserve.

What Do We Do?

Using comprehensive management, testing, resources & pharmaceutical grade products, we map your path back to health & help you keep it for life.

How Are We Different?

We are the only integrated clinic in Australia to offer comprehensive diagnostic screens as part of your consultation fees.

NatMed – Perth Naturopath

We are the only integrated medicine clinic to offer comprehensive testing at no extra cost to you!

Want to Know More?

Would you like to know more about how we can help you? We offer FREE 10-minute discovery sessions so that you can discuss your needs and feel 100% confident before booking a consultation.


Business Hours

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


What our patients say about us

Wholehearedly Recommend

Embarking on my first trip to Bali, I was concerned about the infamous Bali-belly and sought advice for a natural solution from Deb at NatMed. She suggested a small course of herbs which kept me 100% problem free for the whole 10 day trip. Deb was professional, friendly and very knowledgable. I wholeheartedly recommend NatMed!

Derek Grimm

Great Advice With a Caring Attitude

I’m so grateful to have been referred to NatMed by a friend many years ago. I’ve learned so much through my sessions with Deb Taylor and have referred many other friends to the clinic. I know they will receive great advice with a caring attitude.

Christie Clements-Shepherd

Fantastic Experience

I had a fantastic experience when I went for my Free Live Blood Analysis. It was so informative and the practitioners were all so professional and friendly.

Chloe Wells

Professional, Friendly, and Very Knowledgeable

Jacky Dixon has been amazing as a practitioner. Professional, friendly and definitely very knowledgeable. She has been able to help me with health issues I have been dealing with for 3 years now!! Finally I feel like somebody is taking my healthcare seriously!! Thanks Jacky!

Jordon Mueller

Very Caring

Lovely professional and very caring couldn’t be happier I have found this place

Emma Davis

My ‘Go To’ In Poor Health

Natmed are my “Go To” when in poor health, the staff are amazing, friendly and completely thorough in my care. I can’t recommend a more professional health clinic.

Tchoumi Hof

Insides Are So Much Better

Natmed has been treating me for over the last 3 months regarding my health issues, where Drs just told me over time will get better. From taking different supplements and big diet changes, my levels have dropped and my insides are so much better. This has been my first time seeing a naturopath and I would highly recommend the team!

Jasmine O'Connor

So Glad I Went

So glad I went to natmed. After all the tests, they gave me a vit B12 injection because mine was so low. The pain in my leg and hip disappeared instantly!

Frances Barns

5 Star Fantastic Experience

5 stars Fantastic experience, thank you for looking after people the right way and making a difference.

Marco Zorz

Brilliant Service

Brilliant service and most of all getting answers to drive my health in the right direction. Naomi is a super star !

Elizabeth Howell

Know Their Stuff!

I have seen a Naturopath, the Nurse Prac and a Podiatrist at NatMed and they have all been so helpful! I could call whenever something popped up, the admin staff are super helpful and the naturopaths all know their stuff!

Shana de Snoo

Super Helpful

Jacky is always super helpful & takes time to listen to any issues I might be having at the time

Alison Wilson

Holistically Looked After by Team

I’ve been a regular client of Natmed for more than 4 years now. I feel holistically looked after by a team of multi-disciplinary professionals. I see Deb for Naturopathy (and informal life coaching!), Lisa for Accupuncture, and have had Kinesiology here too. It’s also handy them having a Nurse Practitioner here too. Natmed looks at the whole individual person and has therefore referred me to a Chiro and Clinical Pilates – I love their wider team approach. From gut health to headaches to grief and loss, I come to Natmed. And my visits to the GP have decreased year on year. Hurrah!

Laura Sutherland

Excellent, Helped Where Doctors Could Not

Cannot recommend NatMed enough. Naomi is excellent has helped where Drs could not, highly recommend NatMed.

Donna Brooker

I Don’t Know Where I Woud Be Now

After about 18 months from initial 3C cancer diagnosis, and complex post treatment complications with lymphoedema, neuralgia, pain, insomnia … and consequent issues with anxiety and depression, I visited Deborah Taylor at Natmed medicine in East Fremantle For this I will always be eternally thankful, as without her extremely skilled advice I don’t know where I would be now. She is compassionate as well as knowledgeable, and she helped to turn my life around She was the only one who ordered a gene test to discover why I had reacted the way I had to my treatment, and if I had seen her before I started treatment I feel as if would have been much better prepared for how the chemicals would affect my body. I would recommend anyone about to undergo, or undergoing, cancer treatment to listen to some of Deb’s advice. Or for whatever particular ailment I would be confident to recommend Deborah and her great team. Over 4 years down the track now … THANK YOU sincerely Deb, for everything 💖 Jane

Jane Dinnie

Amazing Practice

An amazing practice that holistically looks after all your needs. My practitioner has kept me healthy in mind and body for the past 13 years, including helping me with fertility and thyroid issues. Cannot recommend enough.

Kate Hare

Extremely Pleased With Acupuncture Treatment

I have been Getting acupuncture and cupping from Lisa and the results have been amazing. I’m extremely pleased with the outcome of my treatment as I had been in serious pain for many years. Now I’m pain free and I have been able to stop talking all the medication. Lisa and all the staff at Natmed are really friendly and nice and I would strongly recommend Natmed to anyone. A big thanks to all the team at Natmed.

Jeb Andrew Snell

Really Cares About Their Patients

The analysis you receive at natmed are really in depth yet easy to understand. Jacky is a wonderful practitioner who really cares about her patients I would recommend visiting.

Juliette D'Angelo

In-Depth Testing

NatMed is amazing! I had serious gut and hormonal issues that no other naturopath could help with… until I came to NatMed. They provided indepth testing and provided me with a really comprehensive overview of my health and helped resolve my gut issues once and for all 🙂


Helped Me Get My Life Back

After a scuba diving trip many years ago, I picked up a rare bacterial form of reoccurring tonsillitis. I struggled with this for over a year, before several GP’s and multiple blood tests, where able to ascertain what was wrong. This had a huge impact on my immune system. I found out about Deb Taylor and her team at NatMed through my current work in mental health and decided to get assistance from them. A decision I am so grateful for, as Deb has helped me get my life back. I went from feeling fatigued all of the time, where standing in the kitchen to make dinner, was at times too consuming in terms of energy. At my previous job, I remember having to lay down during my lunch break at work, in order to feel a slight sense of recovery, to help reboot my body, in order to get through the day. At present, I’m generally up early for the gym, then work a 10 hour day in the mental health industry helping others, and am still able to enjoy cooking dinner and socialising after work. Additionally, I have sent multiple clients of my own to see Deb and her team, all of whom have also achieved great results. NatMed utilise multiple forms of testing, including genetic testing, in order to investigate what an individual may be struggling with internally. Many of these tests are covered by Medicare or private health, which helps to bring down the cost. What I also love about her team, is that they will discuss a budget with you, so you don’t feel pressured into spending money you don’t have. If you think you have an issues with your bio-chemistry, and are wanting answers, I highly recommend you make an appointment with NatMed.

Ryan Skene

They’re The Best

I have been seeing Deb at Natmed for over 2 years now and the changes that I have personally experienced and witnessed in my 4 children have been amazing. Deb continues to develop her own knowledge and ways to apply it to our various needs. I’m so grateful to have her looking over us all and I’m always recommending friends to call the Natmed clinic. They’re the best.

Natasha Gibb

Knowledgable Practitioners

Having been going here for a couple years for naturopathy and acupuncture and absolutely love it! Very helpful staff and very knowledgeable practiciners. Highly recommended!

Pippy Scream

Saw Results in a Short Time

I am very happy with Natmed! In such a short time I have been a patient I am already seeing results and am feeling so much more energetic! I have referred so many people already and will continue to do so! I highly recommend.

Amanda Lombardi

Honest Approach to Holistic Health

I have been attending NatMed clinic for about 12 months to resolve hormone related issues and improve my gut health and energy levels. Jacky has been great and is always such a pleasure to talk to. My symptoms have improved dramatically and I now continue to visit regularly mainly as general maintenance and for health advice. I highly recommend Jacky and the clinic for their friendly honest approach to holistic health.

Suzy Kitson

Very Impressed

Went in for my first appointment at this clinic and was very impressed with the technology used to get results right away. I received great service from Jacky who took the time to go through my health concerns with me and goals to achieve. The reception staff were friendly too!


So Impressed, WOW!

I wanted to write this review, because I have been so impressed with NatMed Clinic in East Fremantle. From the wonderful administration staff in the front office, who from the minute you phone to make your appointment to all the dealings that I have had with them are utterly professional in their interactions with their clients. So thank you to Tessa, Demi, Victoria & Forest, who have been so patient and professional in their dealings with me. I cannot say a BIG enough thank you to Naomi, who has been treating me for a multitude of gut related and other issues. Naomi is so very professional and has been so, so helpful. I have needed to phone Naomi to discuss a few issues regarding the medicines and Naomi has gotten back to me so promptly and really has my well being at heart. This lady truly wants to listen and help her patients, WOW!! Something that is sadly lacking in the medical profession today. I always say that an organisation takes the personality of the owner on and I have had the pleasure of meeting Deb, who I believe is one of the owners. Deb is a lovely lady who exudes that same professional manner. It has truly been refreshing to deal with such lovely people.

Elvira Jersky

Dermatitis Gone!

I highly recommend the lovely Jacky Dixon at NatMed Clinic! I was suffering with debilitating dermatitis and doctors and dermatologists were giving me steroid cream.The cream was making my skin thin and I knew it was a ‘band aid’ solution that was covering the root cause. My friend recommended Jacky to me,and within a month of my initial consult,my dermatitis was gone! My stomach was acidic and with a change of diet, a long with new knowledge learnt from Jacky,all was well,and has remained so for the past four years. With my regular visits to Jacky and the state of the art technology at NatMed, I know that the inside of my body is in good hands! Thank you Jacky and the team at NatMed for your professional and friendly service!

Fiona Casey

Thorough Program

Thorough program for a wellness journey.

Ratih Kabinawa

Extremely Thorough

I am new to Nat Med and so far very happy with the service and staff. Right from when you walk in you are greeted by friendly caring staff members . First initial consult was fantastic ! Very thorough and detailed , I knew I was in a place that would get to the bottom of my health concerns. Tessa is absolutely fantastic, she’s an absolute delight to see when you walk , she’s very caring and personable . Deb is also absolutely fantastic , she’s extremely thorough and looks at each person individually, tailoring the best heath care plan for each person . I know I am in great hands and look forward to what my journey with Nat Med brings .

Treena Purchase


I started going to natmed nearly a year ago. I have come a long way I notice a difference in my diet and the way I feel. Thank you so much Michele you are amazing.

Jenna Devine

Enjoying a Happier & Healthier Lifestyle

The staff and practitioners at Natmed are friendly, helpful and always extremely thorough with all my health needs. Deb has helped me understand and advise me on how to best manage my thyroid problems through diet and nutritional proscriptions. My energy levels have increased and I am Enjoying a happier and healthier lifestyle. Thank you to all the Natmed crew you rock.

Tchoumi Cornuel

Regained Energy, Motivation & Clarity

Jacky created a personalized dietary and health plan after establishing my needs. After two weeks I’ve regained my energy, motivation and functional clarity. An added bonus is a 4-5 kg weigh loss. My plan is easy to follow, manageable and effective. I live 1200kms from clinic but we’ve managed the consults via Zoom and when in Perth I call in for a face to face meeting. Highly recommended.

Heather Gerrard

Drastic Change, Highly Recommend

I took my son roughly 19months (now is 2 yo) at the time to see Naomi for eczema, allergies and immune system issues. We first saw her when he was in a crisis point and within the week after seeing her we saw drastic change. He has not been been unwell since seeing her, eczema has been under control and appropriate testing has been done to control allergies. Literally changed his and our lives! Highly recommend NatMed, their friendly team and especially Naomi.

Noemi Toth-Johnson

Thank You For Everything

When dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer (tumour in bowel with metastases to the liver), our whole world was turned upside down. Nothing, not anything, can ever prepare you for hearing this news, and no-one within the conventional medical profession or naturopathic for that matter, could offer any assurance, comfort, direction or answers to the million and one questions we had. No-one, except for Edward. Edward was a rock for dad and our family from the moment we met him, and the fact he himself is a cancer survivor, takes his empathy and approach to others on their own cancer journey to the next level. From dad’s first appointment, Edward was certain dad would overcome the challenge ahead of him, and made sure dad knew it. His support of an integrative approach to healing and his total confidence in dad’s ability to rid his body of the dreaded “C” word never faltered. With Edward’s support and guidance, dad learned to meditate, committed to daily walks, even when his strength was scarce, dramatically changed his diet (a difficult ask being a 71 year old Italian) and followed Edward’s supplement program to the letter. We met Edward on 4 April. Dad was diagnosed in remission on 13 August, with a follow up PET scan on 29 October reconfirming this. His oncologist was shocked at the results, happy, but shocked nonetheless. Yes, dad worked hard to get there, but we truly believe that Edward’s support was paramount to this outcome. If you, or a loved one, has just received a cancer diagnosis, I would urge you to make an appointment with Edward as your starting point. He makes all the fear evaporate. Edward, thank you for everything.

Belinda Baws

Very Knowledgeable

Michelle at NatMed is warm, friendly and very knowledgeable. I highly recommend her and the services of NatMed for a natural holistic approach to wellness.

Sian Chapman

Major Improvement in My Wellness

Highly recommend Jacky Dixon. I have seen a major improvement in my wellness since consulting her at NatMed. Energy levels and concentration significantly better.

Penelope Itzstein

Improved Health & Mindset!

NatMed has helped me manage the symptoms of my chronic health condition as well as improve my overall wellbeing. Would recommend to anyone who wants to improve their health and mindset!

Nicole Dunne

Beyond Happy

Swapping from my GP to my naturopath Jacky was the best thing I have ever done. From the moment I stepped in the Natmed Clinic, there was relief and I knew I was finally going to get the help I needed. I am always made fully aware of everything going on in my body and what changes I need to make in order to feel my best. Jacky always explains why I might need to take a supplement not just gives it to me. I have been attending Natmed Clinic for over a year now and am beyond happy with the results I get after each appointment. Even if its just for a second opinion, I can not recommend Natmed enough!! Am looking forward to a long, steady relationship with Natmed and looking after my health for years to come.

Alex Laurance

Medical Knowledge and Wisdom

Highly recommend Deb Taylor and her team at Natmed. Am halfway through my weight loss journey made so much easier by Deb’s professionalism, her medical knowledge and her wisdom that taps into people’s psyche. A great platform and up to date company for anyone seeking to better their health.

Gemma Hall

Would highly recommend!

I have been to a lot of natural health clinics over the years and NatMed has got to be the best I have ever been to. The range of tests they have access to has been incredibly helpful to get to a root cause. The staff has been incredibly helpful for me as I have come from out of town, going above and beyond. The clinicians are second to none. I have always had in depth explanations, enthusiasm when I needed it and a plan that has come from a great knowledge and experience base.
Would highly recommend to anyone, especially those with any stuck health issues that they can’t seem to get past!

Jackie Dodd

Extensive in-House testing via  computerised screening

We are the only integrated clinic in Australia to offer comprehensive in house health screens with all consultations at no extra cost to you. These include  Blood microscopy, Esteck computerised health screening, Magnagraph computerised pulse oximeter, Urine analysis and Bio impedence screening for muscle, fat and metabolic assessment.

Medicare pathology testing via our Nurse Practitioner


We are the only integrated clinic in Australia to offer nurse practitioner services. Nurse practitioners are masters degree practitioners who are registered Medicare providers. This enables us to provide a one stop shop for assessing your health and means that we can keep costs down by accessing fully bulk billed testing such as Vitamin D, B12, Cholesterol, Liver function and Immune markers.

Functional Health test specialists


Our degree trained practitioners are fully trained in functional tests not offered via Medicare. These include: Digestive analysis via gut microbiome testing, DNA for nutrigenomic interventions, Saliva hormone and Dutch hormone, Alcat food sensitivity, Hair analysis, Heavy metal analysis, CIRS & all functional tests available to efficiently asses causal factors in your symptom picture.

Extensive in-House testing via  computerised screening


Extensive in-House testing via computerised screening. These include  Blood microscopy, Esteck computerised health screening, Magnagraph computerised pulse oximeter, Urine analysis and Bio impedence screening for muscle, fat and metabolic assessment.

Medicare pathology testing via our Nurse Practitioner


We are unique in that we offer Nurse Practitioner services. Nurse practitioners are masters degree practitioners who are registered Medicare providers. This enables us to provide a one stop shop for assessing your health and means that we can keep costs down by accessing fully bulk billed testing such as Vitamin D, B12, Cholesterol ,Liver function and Immune markers.

Functional Health test specialists


Our degree trained practitioners are fully trained in functional tests not offered via Medicare. These include: Digestive analysis via gut microbiome testing, DNA for nutrigenomic interventions, Saliva hormone and Dutch hormone, Alcat food sensitivity ,Hair analysis, Heavy metal analysis, CIRS & all functional tests available to efficiently asses causal factors in your symptom picture.


Health Professionals


Years of combined experience


Happy Patients


Proudly serving since

Always there to care.

Ready To Book?

If you are ready to book right in to begin your journey to create good health, for life.

Want To Know More?

Would you like to know more about how we can help you? We offer FREE 15 minute scoping sessions with a practitioner so you can discuss your needs and feel 100% confident before booking a consultation.

Who do we help?

We are the perfect health partner for people committed to their health and growth. We help families and individuals create and stay on their health journey.




How are we different?

We practice clinical thoroughness via rigorous testing, training & relentless research to bring you the ultimate in integrated health care. We set out clear & concise goals for every step of your health journey.


The only clinic in Australia to offer complimentary access to in-house testing equipment
as part of your consultation fee.


We work with a nurse practitioner at NatMed to facilitate truly integrated care and medical testing via Medicare.