Author: NATMED

Men's Health ☞ In your 40's What does life look like right now : Men's health? Work can sometimes take over your life; Family and work pressure in this decade can cause...

Men's Health: The 30s Health Check Your 30’s are a busy, exciting time. You're building a career, developing relationships, possibly starting a family and working on your finances, your home, and...

Winter has FINALLY come to an end, and Spring is here with all it’s fun & freshness! New budding leaves are growing on deciduous trees, and delicate flowers are braving...

SHIFT Superfoods! Superfoods are foods that are more nutritionally superior - more bang for your buck! These foods are considered Superfoods due to their high content of health-promoting substances. Including anti-oxidants such as: ...

Private Health Rebates and Naturopathy. More people are learning that natural health care treatments are a viable alternative to traditional medicine. If you are seeking a natural, non-invasive remedy to your health concerns,...

Are you confused about what supplements you need to take? Or are you unsure if you actually need to take them at all? The idea of nutritional supplements can be baffling....

Have you ever wanted to freshen up your appearance naturally? Are you looking for a healthy way to look fabulous and more youthful without nasty toxins like Botox, or expensive painful cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic Acupuncture for Facial Rejuvenation might be just what you're looking for. So, what is it & just what exactly will it do?

What is so special about Bone Broths?

You have probably heard people talking lately about bone broths and wondered just what all the fuss is about? Bone broths are a great way to get nutritious minerals into you, easily, efficiently and deliciously. They are high in Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, trace minerals, as well as being a fabulous source of amino acids such as GAGs (glycosaminoglycans), glucosamine, chondroitin, proline, glycine & hyaluronic acid.